Authenticity & Safety Advisory

At Darlie Trading, we are committed to providing safe and high-quality products. It has come to our attention that counterfeit versions of our products are being sold in the market. These fake products often bear the same or similar product names as our authentic items but can be identified through differences in packaging and suspiciously low prices.

These unauthorized products do not meet the safety and quality standards approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and may pose serious risks to your health.

To ensure you are purchasing genuine Darlie Trading products, please follow these steps:
  1. Buy only from our authorized stores, official distributors, and verified resellers.

  2. Check for the following:

    • Authentic Packaging: Look for clear, high-quality printing and official product labels.

    • Suspicious Pricing: Be cautious of products sold at significantly lower prices than market value.

  3. Verify product registration through the FDA website.

Official FDA Advisory Links:

Important Advisory: Beware of Fake or Counterfeit Products

How to Report Counterfeit Products

If you suspect counterfeit products or unauthorized sellers, please report them to us immediately at :

  • Email: [Your Email]

  • Hotline: [Your Contact Number]

Your safety is our priority. Always purchase from verified sources to ensure you receive authentic Darlie Trading products.